The BEST rice to go with Mexican food? This Mexican Green Rice! A cilantro rice pilaf cooked in chicken stock with poblano chiles, parsley, cilantro, onion,...
This is an adaptation of an old Armenian recipe, and this variation is so delicious I can't stop eating it. It's a great way to stretch expensive seasonal...
This is an adaptation of an old Armenian recipe, and this variation is so delicious I can't stop eating it. It's a great way to stretch expensive seasonal...
This is an adaptation of an old Armenian recipe, and this variation is so delicious I can't stop eating it. It's a great way to stretch expensive seasonal...
Not only a staple of Middle Eastern cuisine, this rice dish is also a beautiful bed on which to showcase many dishes. It is fast, simple, and a welcome...
Not only a staple of Middle Eastern cuisine, this rice dish is also a beautiful bed on which to showcase many dishes. It is fast, simple, and a welcome...
Not only a staple of Middle Eastern cuisine, this rice dish is also a beautiful bed on which to showcase many dishes. It is fast, simple, and a welcome...
I've been making this dish for years - it's different from typical rice pilaf dishes in that the cranberries add the sweetness and the tartness that you...
This is a quick and easy family favorite that is asked for at home and at potlucks and parties. What makes this recipe so good is the endless ways that...
This is an adaptation of an old Armenian recipe, and this variation is so delicious I can't stop eating it. It's a great way to stretch expensive seasonal...
This is an adaptation of an old Armenian recipe, and this variation is so delicious I can't stop eating it. It's a great way to stretch expensive seasonal...
This delightful dish is made with sauteed rice and onion, then boiled in chicken broth. The curry aroma and hint of ginger help make this mouthwatering...
This is an adaptation of an old Armenian recipe, and this variation is so delicious I can't stop eating it. It's a great way to stretch expensive seasonal...
I usually make this Mediterranean pilaf whenever I want to change up our regular rice routine and my family loves it. It goes well with lamb or other meat...
This recipe makes a delicious side dish. Goes good with meats and veggies. It's a tasty rice with a little bit of spice! I LOVE garlic, so if you don't...
Took me three tries but I finally nailed a restaurant style Lebanese rice pilaf. Nothing I tried online came close to this and I guess the secret is the...
This is a staple of Armenian homes and is always a favorite with everyone. Very easy to prepare and delicious with any meal, especially poultry. I serve...
This is an adaptation of an old Armenian recipe, and this variation is so delicious I can't stop eating it. It's a great way to stretch expensive seasonal...
This is a staple of Armenian homes and is always a favorite with everyone. Very easy to prepare and delicious with any meal, especially poultry. I serve...
I've been making this dish for years - it's different from typical rice pilaf dishes in that the cranberries add the sweetness and the tartness that you...
This is a staple of Armenian homes and is always a favorite with everyone. Very easy to prepare and delicious with any meal, especially poultry. I serve...
A new way to use rhubarb, it plays off the nutty flavor of wild rice. This makes an attractive, unexpected side for fish or poultry. It has become a requested...
This recipe makes a delicious side dish. Goes good with meats and veggies. It's a tasty rice with a little bit of spice! I LOVE garlic, so if you don't...
Surprisingly easy and extremely flavorful. The curry powder does not add an actual curry taste, just a nice rich flavor, so give it a try even if you aren't...
This started with a regular rice pilaf recipe that just expanded to include various beans and meats. Eventually this became my favorite combination. The...
A delicious side dish for beef or chicken. A great change from plain rice or boxed rice mixes. I like to serve this with grilled chicken or with saucy...