This old Gourmet recipe has reviews from 126 users, almost all of whom love it. So take it from them: even if it's your "first time cooking lamb," you'll...
The signature dish at Bouchée is similar to boeuf bourguignon except it uses short ribs, which create a more elegant presentation for individual servings....
Tender and succulent, this red wine beef stew is the ultimate one-pot meal, loaded with tender potatoes and carrots. Don't forget to bring over a loaf...
This is the hearty pasta dish that everyone loves to eat. The rigatoni cooks right in the sauce, which not only saves you from having to wash an extra...
A braise is like a stew, but requires less liquid and has a longer cooking time. Allow about two and a half hours for the lamb to cook on top of the stove....
An easy Pan-Seared Filet Mignon recipe. Add french fries, glazed carrots, and a salad of romaine wedges with blue cheese dressing. End with cheesecake...