My Peruvian MIL makes this dish, and it remains a favorite for the whole family (even the picky ones)! It's a delicate sauce that complements a variety...
Traditional Peruvian pork adobo. This stew-like dish comes from Arequipa and is very popular with either rice or bread dipped in the broth. This recipe...
This is an Americanized version of the Peruvian chicken and rice dish that is made with sal y complementos. I have adjusted the recipe to use ingredients...
I got this recipe from a Peruvian grandmother when I told her how much I loved Peru when I traveled there. A very authentic, simple, and delicious Peruvian...
I was taught by my Peruvian mother-in-law how to cook some of my husband's favorite meals. I have perfected one of her dishes...she even says it is better...
This different pork flavor is delicious served over rice and has always been met with praise. The spices in the marinade can stain, so I use a metal bowl...
From Here's what the intro for this recipe says. In Peru, small streams wind their way from the mountains to the coast, and the delicious...
This is a deliciously light dessert that works well for summer picnics or even between cake layers. My Peruvian mother-in-law was kind enough to give me...
I was taught by my Peruvian mother-in-law how to cook some of my husband's favorite meals. I have perfected one of her dishes...she even says it is better...