This gratin is decidedly autumnal, inspired by a recipe from one of my favorite food writers, Richard Olney. Olney's chicken gratin calls for making a...
This creamy, cheesy pasta sauce is a great foil for the pound of butternut squash hidden within. The best part? Both the pasta and the sauce are made in...
Lebkuchen recipes are many and diverse-some are flourless, made with almond and hazelnut meal; some are made in bar form and others in cookie form; some...
There are some flavors that beg to be paired, and sweet potatoes and ginger are in that category. This smooth, puréed soup is rich and comforting, ideal...
Butternut squash melts into the polenta as it cooks for this creamy make-ahead dish. Once transferred to a baking dish, pressing chunks of creamy Fontina...
These little drop dumplings are easy to make - and eat. A classic spaetzle maker resembles a food mill fitted with a large-holed plate, but other utensils...
Some call Ponche a Crème the eggnog of Trinidad. But unlike eggnog, which can be one-dimensional and sometimes cloying, Ponche a Crème sings with some...
Browned butter, honey that's been cooked slightly to intensify its flavor, a measured amount of spice, and few extra eggs make this a pumpkin pie that's...
Instead of a traditional apple pie, opt for this spiced apple cake for Thanksgiving. Grated apples in the filling give it a moist, dense texture, while...
America's favorite pumpkin purée is actually made from squash, so why not turn to the earthy sweetness of fresh butternut squash? It's dead easy to prepare...
Also known as advieh, this aromatic blend comes from Persian cuisine. It's fragrant, a little sweet, and gently warming. It is delicious mixed with sugar...
There's no need to buy pumpkin pie spice mix if you've already got all the spices for it in your cupboard-just mix it up yourself and use it in any recipe...
Using a cast-iron skillet means you cancaramelize the apples and bake the cake all in one vessel. Plus, the remaining apple juices form the base for the...