This Tuna Casserole Recipe is the BEST ever without any canned soups or mayo! Just tuna and bright peas enveloped in the most flavorful rich, creamy cheese...
This darn delicious tuna pasta with peas comes together in 20 minutes. You'll love the bold flavors thanks to simple ingredients like garlic, bell peppers,...
Old Fashioned Macaroni and Tomatoes takes you back to your childhood. With a just a few simple ingredients such as canned tomatoes, elbow macaroni, sugar,...
Easy Sausage and Rice Casserole is simple to make and big on flavor! Sausage, rice, celery, and onions all baked in a creamy sauce and the result will...
Creamy Farfalle with Spinach, Mushrooms, and Caramelized Onions. The bow-tie pasta is perfectly matched with rich and buttery Parmesan sauce! Serve this...
Here you have one of the ultimate summer meals! Flaky tender salmon is topped with a bright and creamy mango avocado salsa and served alongside of bed...
This delicious one-pot Pork Tenderloin with Mushroom Cream Sauce is packed with flavor. But it's so simple it can be on the table in half an hour, making...
This recipe for salmon pie is a seaside version of the classic French Canadian meat pie. It is often served right along with meat pie on Christmas Eve...
Try this One Pan Lemon Garlic Chicken and Potatoes for an easy weeknight dinner or meal prep. The potatoes and juicy chicken breasts are seasoned in plenty...
Sweet, sticky, easy to make, this Sweet and Sour Chicken Stir Fry is perfect to serve over rice or noodles and is kid-friendly as it is not spicy and made...
I've found a hack to making the most delicious Indian Chicken Curry in just 30 minutes! I love this recipe because it has all those warm spicy Indian flavors,...
Learning to build a pan sauce is the highest yielding 25 minutes you'll ever spend in a kitchen. Pay attention to the flame at each step. Use high heat...
These Lamb Chops with garlic mint sauce make for an elegant dish that is fit for any special occasion. This will be at the top of your list for easy gourmet,...
There is nothing ordinary about this Creamy Lemon Dill Shrimp. Fabulous and full of flavor, this shrimp is ah-mazing on its own or over your favorite rice...
The BEST Chicken Enchiladas! This easy chicken enchilada recipe has a delicious chicken, black bean and cheese filling. You can make my homemade enchilada...
This Slow Cooker Beef stew is a delicious, old fashioned beef stew recipe simmered in the slow cooker with tender meat, carrots, potatoes and celery. It's...
Rich and creamy Thai red Curry have chicken and vegetables. It is packed with fresh flavours and you need just 30 minutes to make it. It tastes amazing...
A no-fuss veggie pasta bake packed full of your 5-a-day! Make sure you use a vegetarian-friendly hard cheese if you're cooking for vegetarians. Each serving...
Recipe video above. Fun to say, delicious to eat, the Gado Gado peanut sauce will make any vegetables into a big, healthy, tasty meal! Use any veg you...
The VERY BEST Homemade Sloppy Joe Recipe is not only delicious, but it's quick and easy to make using REAL ingredients instead of a store-bought can...
Poached salmon is wonderfully moist and delicate. Poach it in white wine or simply in water, then serve it warm with hollandaise sauce or cold with tartar...
Grilled Skirt Steak is juicy, full of bold flavor, and absolutely delicious. Grilling skirt steak brings out the best of this long thin steak that you...
One of Germany's national dishes, Sauerbraten is a tender beef roast that has marinated for several days prior to cooking and is served with a wonderfully...