I've had people say this is the best lobster dish they ever ate. I played around with this recipe because this is similar to the way my Mom used to make...
Creamed lobster over buttered toast is comfort food at its best. This is a very popular recipe in southwestern Nova Scotia. You can also pour the creamed...
I found this recipe on AllRecipes. This one did not need to be changed at all. Sheer perfection and the only way we eat lobster in our house anymore. I...
I stole this recipe from Mike Kalina who stole the ravioli recipe from Windows on the World Restaurant, and the vanilla sauce from L'Archestrate in Paris....
This is a fantastic, low carb treat. Different and delicious with only 2 grams of net carbs per tail. It is very simple to make, even for a beginner, yet...
I learned this style of cooking from my mother-in-law. This recipe will work with crawfish or shrimp. You can add as many lobsters as you want, but cook...
This is actually one of my daddy's recipes. He's a commercial fisherman, but he finds time to make this whenever the family is together. But don't be fooled...
I watched Paula make this on TV today- Boy does it look good. If lobster is not affordable, you might substitute with canned crab, extra shrimp or as a...
Get out the bibs, lobster crackers and picks! If you've never prepared live lobster, this is a straightforward approach to a decadent meal. I make this...
I once worked with a chef who made the most wonderful Louis dressing, but he wouldn't disclose his secret that made it so unusual and so good. Years later,...
This recipe is based on the one from "The Silver Palate" cookbook by Julee Rosso & Sheila Lukins. They say, "Lobster Bisque is one of those extravagant...
These are probably the most expensive mashed potatoes you will ever make! I read a review of a restaraunt in NYC that serves this dish, and was intrigued....
Celebrate in style! Anniversaries, New Year's Eve, Valentine's Day all call for a special entree, and this is sure to win over that special someone. The...
An extravagant meal of one of the finest cuts of beef stuffed with succulent lobster tails in a garlic butter sauce. For best flavor, try not to cook past...
I found this recipe that I had written down probably when I was in my late teens, so I'm not sure of its source. It's an quick and easy recipe...delicious...
A real treat! You can use any stuffing you like but I like this simple one the best. Also, you still need to open the claws when serving so don't forget...
This bisque uses brown roux, which is the preferred version when making Cajun or Creole dishes. For best thickening, a cold roux should be mixed into a...
This is a creamy, rich, and decadent recipe for an 'over the top' addition to any meal. After years of making basic mac and cheese, this version with shrimp...
Any kind of fish cakes speak of New England, and little cakes of lobster make you think of the Maine coast. These are very tasty. You can even put them...
For over 45 years, Venus de Milo Restaurant has been recognized as one of the premier restaurants in southeastern Massachusetts and Rhode Island, and is...
From Madame Wong's Long-life Chinese Cookbook. Have all your ingredients ready to go. After the lobster is cooked, it goes quick. Also, the egg is part...