This is a great meal for any pampered pooch. I have a friend who only serves homemade dog foods like this one. The serving size would depend on the size...
I got this recipe from I haven't tried it yet. I have no experience w/diabetic dogs. I just looked this up because...
So many different goodies for our girls...I love variety and so do they...What is so nice is you aren't adding preservatives to the recipe like they do...
My dogs love peanut butter and vanilla so I add 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla to these when I make them. They smell so good I have had guests ask me why I haven't...
Someone was looking for a recipe for their diabetic dog. I found this recipe, which I haven't tried, at: The orig....
Feb. 10th, 2015 --UPDATE Back on April 20th, 2011 we decide to purchase another dog. So, I posted this as a request for naming our male Schoodle whose...
I have been making a lot of oat milk lately. In fact we have been going through 9 cups of milk a day. It is so refreshing. I hate throwing anything away,...
I found a way to prevent my little darlings from getting fleas - after an adverse affect that my one Chihuahuas had with those liquid chemical ones that...
When I lived in Gaithersburg, Md, I made these in all flavors for my dogs Brandon and Reno. When I moved to Ohio, I lost this recipe, so was very glad...
My dog loves his ice cream especially on a hot day. I buy the 2 ounce cups of real ice cream and after we eat the ice cream I save them and wash them out...
Luvin' Me Some Orange "Orange Lovers" I do hope you enjoy this cute recipe. Talk about savoring every bite?! LOL I was trying to think of things for the...
My dogs really love these treats. I started making them when I was asked to stop stinking the house when cooking liver treats. These are great because...
Luvin' Me Some Orange "Orange Lovers" I do hope you enjoy this cute recipe. Talk about savoring every bite?! LOL I was trying to think of things for the...
hi im danielle im not sherry i am her daughter.we adopted a 15 year old chihuahua(boo)with a peanut allergy he can tolerate it but not in such portions...
Well, this is our little puppy that we got most recently from Windy Hill Kennel. The same place we purchased Tibby. His name Paczki is pronounced (poonchkey...