For many cupcake lovers, the frosting is the most important part. The cupcake provides the perfect foundation for your favorite flavor of rich and delicious...
These cakes are the perfect breakfast! They are full of healthiness from the pumpkin and avocado! And besides that, they are delicious and full of creamy...
These chocolate cupcakes are light, fluffy, and so much better than a box mix. Made quickly and easily in just one bowl, they can baked and frosted in...
These Eggnog Cupcakes are super moist, flavourful and festive! With my new and improved fluffy and moist eggnog cupcakes and the silky eggnog buttercream...
Award-Winning Chocolate Coconut Cupcakes with Coconut Almond Filling and Coconut Milk Frosting will be the best cupcakes you'll ever make (assuming you...
Super-moist pineapple coconut cupcakes topped with creamy smooth coconut frosting. Decorate each cupcake with a sprinkle of coconut (toasted or not), a...
The other day, I was thinking of doing something extraordinary for my daughter's birthday party. Baking a cake was a good option, but I wanted something...
These cupcakes have a good amount of that cinnamon-sugar flavor that is so sought after in the famous cookie form. They are good both with, and without,...
The perfect gluten free cupcakes are moist and tender, rich in chocolate flavor, and even naturally dairy free. They even bake with a perfectly flat top,...
Soft and fluffy Matcha Green Tea Cupcakes topped with a white cloud of vanilla whipped cream taste just like a Matcha green tea Frappuccino! These cupcakes...
These moist vanilla cupcakes are filled with a sticky marshmallow crème, and they're topped a fluffy peanut butter and marshmallow frosting and chopped...
An easy-to-decorate, and festive cupcake that's great for any occasion! You can use any cupcake recipe you wish (I've used both the Cranberry Cupcakes...
These Coconut Cream Pie Cupcakes are the perfect combination of coconut cake with a lightly sweetened coconut mousse and topped with a cream cheese whipped...
A simple cupcake batter with strawberry extract and raspberry jam whisked in and peanut butter frosting. Made this for my very picky sister as an afternoon...
These magical Sugar Plum Fairy Cupcakes are lightly spiced with cinnamon and nutmeg, flavored with vanilla and almond, and are filled with fruity jam....
Got leftover Halloween candy lying around? These Candy Bar-Stuffed Cupcakes are a great way to use 'em up in an easy, tasty way. Throw these cupcakes...
These Green Velvet Cupcakes are a perfect St. Patrick's Day dessert! They taste just like a red velvet cupcake but they're dyed green instead and topped...
These Coconut Cream Pie Cupcakes feature light, moist and airy coconut cupcakes filled with coconut custard, topped with creamy coconut frosting and dipped...
Coca-Cola Cupcakes are rich, chocolately and totally fun! Top them with a swirl of cherry infused buttercream and you have a treat the whole gang will...
This cupcake recipe is the only one you'll ever need. It's simple and adaptable-to change it to chocolate, just add a cup of unsweetened cocoa powder,...
These easy-to-make vanilla bean cupcakes are deliciously moist and they are saturated with the classic vanilla flavor that everyone loves! You can tell...
These Amish Friendship Bread cupcakes are full of cherry flavor! Sprinkle a few white chocolate chips on the frosting, and you will have the perfect Valentine's...