This recipe creates a light, tender cranberry cupcake--with just a hint of orange--that is then topped with a creamy, buttery white chocolate frosting....
Super moist carrot cake starts with freshly grated carrots! These carrot cake cupcakes are tender, lightly spiced, and full of flavor. Paired with a sweet...
This recipe for light-as-air angel food cupcakes is a wonderful choice if you're looking for a delightful summer dessert. Prepared without any fat like...
Spiced gingerbread cupcake recipe with tangy, sweet cream cheese frosting. Moist and flavorful, these homemade cupcakes are the perfect treat during the...
These cupcakes have a good amount of that cinnamon-sugar flavor that is so sought after in the famous cookie form. They are good both with, and without,...
Soft and moist chai latte cupcakes prepared with chai tea, chai spices, and topped with whipped chai buttercream. This simple cupcake recipe tastes exactly...
The Best Ever Chocolate Fudge Cupcakes are better than any cupcake you have tasted. Moist chocolate cake iced with the most decadent, smooth and creamy...
A truly, sinfully delicious Devil's Food Cake recipe! Moist, light and just a little fudgy. Perfect for special occasions & easy enough to make whenever!EASY...
This is a fun way to announce the gender of your unborn baby to family, friends, and coworkers! I created this recipe because I not only wanted to make...
Chocolate and vanilla marble cupcakes with chocolate and vanilla swirl frosting on top! These cupcakes are perfect for when you can't decide between a...
I can't imagine a better recipe than this Flourless Chocolate Cupcakes when it comes to quick and easy chocolate desserts. Made in one bowl with almond...
This was a favorite yellow cupcake recipe a few years back. Since then, I've worked to perfect them. My updated yellow cupcakes recipe is extra moist,...
These delightfully tender Mary Berry chocolate cupcakes are a real treat to bake up for any occasion, or just because you're craving some chocolate!...
Soft, fluffy, and simply sweet Chocolate Chip Cupcakes are easy to make homemade treats that everyone will love! In a world filled with crazy recipes,...
Moist and light chocolate cupcakes stuffed with a creamy marshmallow filling, topped with milk chocolate frosting, crushed graham crackers and a toasted...
These blueberry cupcakes are super tender with just a slight tang from the cream cheese, sour cream, and lemon juice. These are perfect for a special occasion!...
A nice little recipe for your sweet tooth. A wonderful carrot cake recipe with no sugar added-you won't be able to tell the difference. The dates help...
These vegan gluten free vanilla cupcakes are fluffy and moist and so delicious. No one will guess they are both vegan and gluten-free! Topped with a velvety...
Small in size yet big in flavor and handy to eat, these pudding-filled miniatures of the famous Boston cream pie dessert are sure to bring joy to the faces...