Skip the green food coloring. We've raised the bar for St. Patty's Day desserts. These blondies are enriched with Irish coffee-inspired flavors-ground...
Homemadesandwich cookies are somuch better than the onesthat fill grocery-storeshelves. Here, a pair of perfectly chewy chocolatecookies are brought togetherbya...
These golden-edged banana cookies stuffed with cream cheese frosting unite two favorites -- whoopie pie and moist banana cake -- in an immensely satisfying...
Inspired by an Edgar Allan Poe story in which a demonic cat is "graven in bas-relief upon the white surface" of a wall, these cakey black-and-white cookies...
These cookies, cousins of zucchini bread, are perfect for packing up as picnic fare -- even if the picnic table is right in your kitchen. A sweet cream-cheese...
When richly spiced cardamom cookies, scented with allspice and cloves, are pressed with wood-grain and scallop patterns and cut into the shapes of trees...
This dessert belongs in everyone's "outdoor entertaining" file. The cake squares, embellished with moist fruit and a crunchy topping, are meant to be eaten...
Pizzelle batter is cooked on a special iron (cialde iron), which gives them decorative patterns. Pizzelles can also be made into edible dessert cups --...
Some say ma'amoul, a popular Middle Eastern cookie stuffed with date puree, is a reminder that at the end of the fasting period, there's a sweet reward....
These easy drop cookies are a cinch to make but have a taste that's truly next level. After the dough gets mixed with a generous amount of cinnamon and...
A crunchy Greek cookie similar to Italian biscotti, this twice-baked treat is made with a flavorful combination of barley flour, sesame seeds, ouzo, and...
Send a caring message this Valentine's Day by giving chocolaty, sugar-dusted hugs and kisses to someone you love. This recipe appears on the Martha Stewart...
These gingerbread cookies include a generous amount of honey, which gives them a pale golden color and a mildly sweet flavor. If you are making the Gingerbread...
Use this recipe along with our Royal Icing to make Partridge-in-a-Pear-Tree Cookies, Snowman Cookies, Reindeer Cookies, Santa Claus Cookies, Marbleized...
Peppermint extract gives these wreath cookies their fresh flavor. They're finished with a marbled red-and-white glaze, evoking the classic holiday candy...
A milk chocolate ganache serves as the filling in these sandwich cookies boosted by a grown-up addition of ground espresso. Martha made this recipe on...
The secret to this rich chocolate-chunk shortbread is a mix of sugars-brown for a caramel note, and confectioners' for a melt-in-your-mouth texture. To...
Stash one of these rich treats in a lunchbox or Halloween-party favor bag. Mini marshmallows, semisweet chocolate chips, and chopped walnuts top the chocolate...
This all-purpose dough bakes rich and dark cutouts, and the dough can be rolled again and again with little compromise in texture. Follow the recipe below...
Icebox cookies get their name from the fact that the dough must be chilled first, before being sliced into individual cookies. These are flavored with...
Buttery classic, sugar cookies make a delicious treat anytime. Here, Martha heightens them to special-occasion status with a simple glaze and a fanciful...