Serve this spicy North African-style condiment as a sauce for fried or roast chicken, as a marinade for pork chops or grilled steak, or to add kick to...
It's not just a marinade-this classic mojo sauce can also be spooned over chicken or fish for a piquant finishing touch, and deployed as a flavorful stir-in...
Add this simple onion gravy recipe to your repertoire. It's the perfect accompaniment to sausages and roasts with the deep flavours of beef stock, red...
There are so many ways to use this Rhubarb Sauce! From meats and poultry to desserts, this sauce is pure awesome sauce. If you're unfamiliar with rhubarb,...
Homemade jam has never been simpler! Mash your favorite in-season berries until almost smooth, then stir in sugar, pectin and a touch of lemon juice--no...
The best red salsas I've had on the street are a deep, rusty brick color, and they taste definitively of dried chiles, acid and salt. Most people use a...
This crunchy crumble is the perfect topping for an ice cream sundae, easy apple crumble, or our Build-Your-Own Thanksgiving Pie Bar. Pro tip: Keep a batch...
The classic combination of tender pork, tart apples, and cider-braised sweet potatoes is a textbook meal for chilly days, especially when you're really...
Enjoy this sticky, sweet fig chutney alongside pâté and our homemade rosemary crackers or your favourite cheese. Make the most of figs when they're in...
This bright and vibrant dressing has evolved since it originated in 1920s California. Earlier versions contained tarragon, anchovies, Worcestershire or...
When you can't eat another bite of buttery mashed potatoes, hearty bread stuffing or herb-infused turkey, reach for the cranberry sauce! Delightfully tart...
There are just two simple steps (and five easy ingredients) in this delicious turkey gravy from drippings. You'll be delighted with the smooth, flavorful...
Country gravy, also called sawmill gravy or white gravy, is a staple of hearty Southern cooking. It can be used as a creamy blanket for chicken fried steak...