Sweet peas, pea shoots, and a sprinkle of lemon zest give this light, just-creamy-enough chowder an extra dose of freshness. While cod might be a more...
We love Bar Harbor clam juice, which has no salt added and a gentle, briny flavor. It's a good stand-in for when you don't want to bother making fish stock...
This Loaded Baked Potato Chowder is the ultimate Fall food. Loaded with crispy bacon, perfectly soft potatoes and of course, all the cheese, there is seriously...
An easy and tasty chowder is made with corn, potatoes and kielbasa. Some steamed rice or a few slices of good bread will help to soak up all the yumminess....
A thick, flavorful blend of potatoes and beans! I invented this recipe with ingredients I managed to scrounge on a winter's night several years ago. It...
This Portuguese-Style Clam Chowder is just brimming with flavor. So hearty and will warm you to the bone. If you are serving to a group, make the broth...
This is a hearty soup with a lot of texture. It is perfect for this time of year when you are snowbound with a roaring fire and some crusty bread. You...
A thick, flavorful blend of potatoes and beans! I invented this recipe with ingredients I managed to scrounge on a winter's night several years ago. It...
This is a hearty soup with a lot of texture. It is perfect for this time of year when you are snowbound with a roaring fire and some crusty bread. You...
With its all-American ingredients, this New England-style chowder is a comfort-food classic. The soup needs only bread, or traditional oyster crackers,...
A thick, flavorful blend of potatoes and beans! I invented this recipe with ingredients I managed to scrounge on a winter's night several years ago. It...
A thick, flavorful blend of potatoes and beans! I invented this recipe with ingredients I managed to scrounge on a winter's night several years ago. It...
A thick, flavorful blend of potatoes and beans! I invented this recipe with ingredients I managed to scrounge on a winter's night several years ago. It...
A quick, low-carb chowder. This soup is wonderfully smooth and filling, and thoroughly enjoyed at my house. Serve as is, or garnish with green onion or...
This is my take on the oyster stew that my mom used to make when I was a child. I kind of gussied it up a bit by adding some fresh veggies, thickening...
This was my grandfather's recipe - he was a cook/baker who owned and operated Seamone's Bakery in Nova Scotia. It is so delicious my husband and I had...
This was my grandfather's recipe - he was a cook/baker who owned and operated Seamone's Bakery in Nova Scotia. It is so delicious my husband and I had...
This was my grandfather's recipe - he was a cook/baker who owned and operated Seamone's Bakery in Nova Scotia. It is so delicious my husband and I had...
Clam chowder, New England's signature seafood dish, derives its name from chaudière, the French word for "cauldron." The saltiness of clams and salt pork...
A thick, flavorful blend of potatoes and beans! I invented this recipe with ingredients I managed to scrounge on a winter's night several years ago. It...
My sister-in-law brought some scallops from Nova Scotia. They are awesome in this chowder. I add the broth, potatoes, corn, and flour to the slow cooker...
A quick, low-carb chowder. This soup is wonderfully smooth and filling, and thoroughly enjoyed at my house. Serve as is, or garnish with green onion or...
Chupe is a traditional Peruvian chowder made from zapallo and seafood. Zapallo is a very large, pumpkin-like squash; however, it is brighter and sweeter...
This is my take on the oyster stew that my mom used to make when I was a child. I kind of gussied it up a bit by adding some fresh veggies, thickening...