A buttery-vanilla batter is the base of a cake that brims with a pound of strawberries. We promise that you'll want to eat this berry dessert all summer...
A spicy British classic made with fresh and dried ginger, this cake is just right for teatime. The recipe comes from chef April Bloomfield's book "A Girl...
The incomparable flavor of pure maple syrup is reason enough to make this sweet treat; that it is also quick to prepare is an added bonus. Maple syrup...
Sticky toffee pudding is essentially a rich, moist cake permeated with a thick caramel-like sauce (with extra for serving). Most recipes say to soak the...
You can have your cake and eat it too. In this exceptionally rich, moist dessert, eggs and butter are replaced by oil and water, resulting in a cholesterol-free...
Layer cake, cupcakes, or loaf cake? One basic batter makes all these and more. Raspberry-Cream Layer Cake, Cappuccino-Chocolate Cupcakes, and Chocolate-Vanilla...
Snow angels make an appearance on the dessert table with a light-as-air angel food cake covered with drifts of fluffy coconut and topped with angel-shaped...
This moist and boozy cake from food writer Melissa Clark's "In the Kitchen with a Good Appetite" cookbook is lighter and sweeter than traditional fruitcake,...
Pretty pink whipped cream is an irresistible filling and frosting in this delicate raspberry layer cake that comes together in just one hour. It's a light...
Use this rich frosting to decorate Magnolia Bakery Vanilla Cupcakes. This recipe comes from "More from Magnolia: Recipes from the World-Famous Bakery and...
This is the easiest cheesecake to make-it takes just 15 minutes to assemble and doesn't require a water bath. When berries are in season, you can serve...
Luscious flourless chocolate cake is a staple dessert for people who follow a gluten-free diet. Many of these cakes rely on butter for richness, but the...
Whipped egg whites are the secret behind this airy, moist cake. Decorate each layer with our Chocolate Frosting for a spectacular birthday or special-occasion...
An American-born beauty, the cheesecake gets upgraded with a triple dose of chocolate. It's in the crust, in the filling, and over the top. To help prevent...
For the coconut lover, a teetering creation of tender sour-cream cake, coconut filling, and piles of seven-minute frosting. This recipe yields a six-layer...
Extra-virgin olive oil, eggs, and milk make this Italian-inspired lemon cornmeal cake extra-moist. And it's gluten-free, to boot. Martha made this recipe...
A dense yet not-heavy classic that can't be beat. For a silky-smooth batter, take care to bring the cream cheese, eggs, and sour cream to room temperature...
This cheesecake is a fresh take on a familiar combination. It's not too sweet and has a voluptuous consistency. The glossy chocolate glaze goes on like...
Put a twist on classic pound cake with an underrated pantry ingredient: sweetened condensed milk. It does double duty here: it goes into the batter and...
In this version of the classic upside-down cake, the plum slices replace traditional pineapple and are arranged decoratively like rooftop shingles, completely...
These tiny fruitcakes will bring joy to everyone on your list. We used dried apples, pears, apricots, and golden raisins, but you can also use dried cherries,...
Once chilled, this cake can be covered with plastic wrap and refrigerated for up to three days. In fact, it actually tastes best after being chilled overnight....
If you love the apple-cider doughnuts often sold at farmers' markets, you'll love this cake! Baked in a Bundt pan, it's essentially a giant cakey doughnut,...
This light ad airy orange chiffon cake is simply delicious. This recipe for orange chiffon cake packs plenty of orange flavor using zest and juice and...
Plant a delicious surprise on your guests with these springtime delights. Our chocolate cakes, baked in small pots, create the illusion of new growth....
This stunner is a naturally gluten-free cake that has a smooth, ultra-rich texture. Packed with decadent dark chocolate and espresso, it's like the mocha...