Crispy, golden brown breading encases sauerkraut and cooked bratwurst bound with cream cheese. Sauerkraut balls are a delicious all-in-one appetizer that...
Authentic recipe for German potato pancakes (Kartoffelpuffer) - crispy, golden discs of fried grated potatoes with a soft inside. Popular snack at beer...
Tarte Flambée or Flammkuchen (known as German pizza in the US) is a thin flatbread topped with creme fraiche, thinly sliced onions and smoked bacon lardons....
Traditional sausage salad from the region of Bavaria. Prepared with thinly sliced deli sausage, dill pickles and red onion it is hearty, flavorful and...
The best German food is enjoyed during Oktoberfest. Put together an authentic Oktoberfest food menu for your party in just minutes. Our list of easy German...
How to make authentic Kartoffelsalat in the Bavarian tradition with a hot marinade of sauted onions, vegetable broth, mild vinegar and mustard. Achieve...
A hearty sauerkraut and kielbasa dish with fresh apple, onion and a bit of dark German beer or hard cider for a balancing sweetness infusion. A festive...
Sauerkraut strudel is a popular savory strudel version in beer gardens and during Oktoberfest. It is easy to make, especially if you use pre-made puff...
A delightful creamy mushroom stew recipe traditional to the region of Bavaria where it is known as Bayerische Schwammerlbrühe. Commonly served with bread...