Bacon-wrapped meatloaf is a wonderful thing and it's only more wonderful when the beefy meatloaf is amped up with cheddar cheese. Try slices on buns with...
This recipe for delicious braised short ribs is from the October 2007 issue of Everyday Food. To make this dish a complete meal, serve it with creamy polenta...
Serve this tender, fall-off-the-bone meat with bread, polenta, or sauteed Swiss chard. You can also present it as a "sauce" by shredding the meat, mixing...
New York strip (also known as shell steak) is a boneless cut from the short loin, which is known for its tenderness. The red-wine sauce gets a boost from...
Flank is a flavorful, lean cut of steak that's sliced thin and served. Make the deep, savory marinade ahead of time and let it work its magic on the meat...
Our version of the Italian classic Spaghetti with Bolognese Sauce includes ground pork. If you'd like to skip the pork; just use an additional pound of...
When Sarah Carey, our editorial director of food and entertaining, was a kid, holiday visits to her grandparents' house often included her grandma's sweet-and-sour...
Fiery horseradish sauce is a classic companion to roast beef. After the beef finishes cooking, let it stand at room temperature for at least ten minutes...
Beef simmered with garlic and peppers in a thick tomato sauce makes for a warm and satisfying dinner. A slow cooker turns a less expensive cut of meat...
If you've ever craved pizza and a cheesesteak at the same time -- and who hasn't? -- you're in luck; this pizza incorporates the flavors of both for a...
Using sirloin and sausage makes this chili especially hearty. Garnish with shredded Monterey Jack cheese, pickled jalapenos, and thinly sliced red onion,...
This classic meatloaf uses coarsely ground beef for a juicer bite. It's brushed with the essential brown sugar-ketchup glaze and baked on a sheet pan,...
The long, relatively thin cut known as hanger steak may be labeled "butcher's steak," "bistro cut," or, if already cut lengthwise into two pieces, "steak...
Meltingly tender brisket is the centerpiece of a family-friendly meal; leftovers make a tasty pasta ragu. If you plan to make Linguine with Beef and Onions,...
Slavic peasants created this stew using three basic ingredients: equal parts beef and onions, and a healthy dose of paprika. Whether you use sweet or spicy...
With a savory blend of meats, flavorful cheese, and garlic, these meatballs are sure to be an instant favorite. The meatballs can be cooked without the...
Some of the most satisfying chili around is the most basic: a beef and tomato base with a little heat from chiles to create excitement. This recipe calls...
Make your own Philly-style cheese steak sandwich at home. Thinly sliced rib-eye and onion are cooked, then topped with provolone to melt before being placed...
Braising in a slow cooker turns a tough, less-expensive cut of beef into a flavorful, hearty meal that's ideal for Passover and sure to become a family...
This easy chili recipe makes eight one-cup servings; if you reserve half, you'll also have enough for four servings of our Cheesy Hash-Brown Bake, a stick-to-your-ribs...
Fresh lasagna sheets are worth it for this specialty lasagna, which includes enrobing the layers of meatballs and sausage in a parcel of pasta sheets before...
We love the way the Instant Pot or pressure cooker promotes silky, falling-off-the-bone texture for braise-worthy cuts like short ribs. Here, the ribs...