Everyone loves a good A&W® Root Beer Float - a classic and fun drink recipe made with bubbly root beer, creamy vanilla ice cream, and a few other ingredients...
The Sloe Gin Fizz is the most classic of all cocktails with this sweet and fruity red liqueur! This fizzy drink is sweet tart and frothy, and highlights...
This simple holiday cocktail will warm guests up on a chilly winter night. For a little extra heat, add a few slices fresh ginger (unpeeled is fine) before...
Portland-based Salt & Straw adds a drop of vinegar and a hint of pepper to balance the sweetness in this strawberry shake, plus a splash of rum to make...
This homemade mango lassi with cardamom is such a refreshing drink. You could make it to go with an Indian meal, have it as dessert or even breakfast....
This Dirty Banana cocktail recipe is a dangerously delicious and boozy frozen drink recipe loaded with rum, banana, coffee, and chocolate flavors! Ready...