Spicy seasoned chicken thighs are cooked in Spanish rice. This is a good meal for a busy evening. After seasoning chicken and browning, it is left to cook...
This classic Italian dish includes fettuccine tossed with butter and Parmesan cheese, and it's quick and easy to make. U.S. versions of the dish may include...
This oven-roasted chicken recipe showcases juicy, flavorful thighs with a lemony sauce that makes itself in the pan. It's the ideal weeknight dinner for...
You can substitute ground beef in this meatloaf recipe, if you wish. But you save the calories by using ground chicken. This recipe has a great flavour,...
This recipe is very quick and easy to prepare. The flavors blend to make it rather tasty. It is great with plain white rice and your favorite vegetable....
I've been making this recipe for so many years, I can't remember where I got it from. It's really quick to throw together. After fixing it several times,...
This dry mix of herbs and spices adds a unique zing to any chicken dish, it has just the right amount of heat and flavor to make all your guests beg for...
This recipe really satisfies my craving for Chinese food. I serve it over rice with a side of steamed vegetables. The sauce makes just enough to glaze...
This traditional hot appetizer is always a crowd pleaser. Chicken livers and water chestnuts are marinated in a simple, savory sauce, then wrapped with...
Spiedies are the pride and joy of the Greater Binghamton area of N.Y. They are such an important part of life there that the biggest party of the year...
You can't just go to any restaurant and get smothered chicken like you would if you went down to the urban neighborhoods in Houston. This meal of browned...
A quick and easy chicken dish. Note: you can substitute orange juice or marmalade for the apricot jam to make orange glazed chicken! Serve with rice if...
You don't need a special paella pan to make this easy take on the classic Spanish dish. Use a wide, shallow saute pan with a lid. Chicken sausage and shrimp...
While not identical to a pan-fried, breaded cutlet, if you want to eat tender, flavorful chicken with lots of crispy, crunchy bits, then this significantly...
"When I'm preparing this dish, it's all I can do to wait until it's finished simmering to get a taste of the awesome gravy. You've simply gotta cook some...
Just chicken, rice, creamy soup, Cheddar cheese and soft bread cubes, mixed together and baked. This is a quick and easy dish that even the kids like!...
A hearty stew that's super-easy to make and great for peanut butter lovers. Can be made vegetarian or with chicken. In a pinch, feel free to use vegetable...
Editors' Note: We love Thomas Keller's roast chicken recipe so much that we asked him to share his favorite roast turkey recipe as well. Check out My Favorite...
This easy creamy chicken casserole is my mother's recipe and a family favorite. It's one of our comfort foods and regular easy recipes to make through...
My whole family, full of picky eaters, loves this dish, and it's great for freezing and reheating on a cold day or for an easy dinner on cold nights. This...
We've taken some short cuts to make a quick version of the French classic, cassoulet. Chicken thighs replace the classic, and time-consuming, duck confit;...
A favorite named after Bourbon Street in New Orleans, Louisiana and for the bourbon whiskey ingredient; although this dish, sold as Cajun-style cuisine...