This banana muffin recipe goes over so well with kids. Not only are these banana bread muffins like cupcakes, but they're ready, start to finish, in just...
Whenever I pass a display of bananas in the grocery store, I can almost smell the wonderful aroma of my best banana bread recipe. It really is amazingly...
I enjoy preparing hearty country breakfasts for the guests at my bed-and-breakfast. This fluffy golden pie, which has lots of cheese and bacon, is a most...
This is the best fluffy pancakes recipe according to my family. They are quick and easy to prepare, but we still consider these homemade pancakes a special...
There's no question that this is the best French toast recipe. The caramelized exterior meets a soft, custardlike center that practically melts in your...
I love the excellent texture of this easy coffee cake recipe. Always a crowd-pleaser, its pleasing vanilla flavor enriched by sour cream may remind you...
It was on a visit to my husband's relatives in Europe that I was given this Belgian waffle recipe. These homemade waffles are great with any kind of topping:...
Of all the quick breads we had growing up, this beautiful lemon blueberry bread is the best! The citrus glaze adds a lustrous finish and locks in moisture....
For the perfect combination of eggs, sausage, bread and cheese, this is the dish to try. My mom and I like this sausage breakfast casserole because it...
I served this crustless quiche at a church lunch, and I had to laugh when one guy told me how much he disliked vegetables. Many people were surprised by...
What could be nicer than warm classic but basic muffins in a napkin on the morning breakfast table? And they are so quick and easy to make, particularly...
"Isn't it about time for you to make your 'egg pie?'" my husband and sons inquire, using the nickname they've given this hearty breakfast casserole with...
These applesauce muffins are so popular at the restaurant I own that I had the recipe printed up on a card to share with guests. -Linda Williams, LaFayette,...
AT the end of the summer years ago, our family often gathered to pick wild blueberries. Mother canned them and saved them for special pie treats during...
When our children were small and I was busy trying to get all those extra things done that are part of a mom's normal schedule, I would make this quick...
A package of frozen potatoes makes this hash brown egg casserole simple to prepare. Featuring bacon and cheddar cheese, this easy egg bake is tasty breakfast...
A scattering of chopped nuts adds crunch to these moist, taste-tempting treats. They're the best banana nut muffins I've found. Bet you'll agree. -Neva...
I like to joke that these pancakes are so light, you have to hold them down! When we have a chance, we make them with freshly ground cornmeal bought at...
Sunday breakfasts have always been special in our house. It's fun to get in the kitchen and cook with the kids. No matter how many new recipes we try,...
A local blueberry grower shared this recipe with me, and it's the best breakfast dish I've ever tasted. With the cream cheese and berry combination, this...
This kolache recipe was given to me by my mother-in-law, who received it from her mother! It was a standard treat in their family, made nearly every week....
We start this breakfast casserole the night before so it's ready for the oven the next day. That way, we don't have to deal with the prep and dirty dishes...
When I was expecting our daughter, I made and froze this cheesy ham quiche as well as several other dishes. After her birth, it was nice to have dinner...
There is nothing fancy about this but if your looking for a crispy coating without any deep-frying this is about as good as it gets, If your skillet is...
Chopped green onions and sweet red pepper bring a bit of color to this golden entree. The creamy filling features imitation crabmeat and Swiss cheese....
If you're looking for a pretty dish to make when having guests for brunch, try this. Everyone I've served it to has enjoyed it-except for one time, that...
Here is a hearty meal that's perfect for two...or one hungry guy! It's great on it's own, or serve at breakfast with a few eggs. You can also triple the...
Our daughter wouldn't mind if I made this Ham 'n' Cheese Strata every weekend! I do prepare it for each holiday, serving it alongside fresh cinnamon buns...
Because it's fast to fix and such a great hit with family and friends, this egg casserole with bacon is a favorite of mine to make for brunches. Served...
This breakfast treat rises like Yorkshire pudding and has the texture of a classic baked pancake. Sprinkle powdered sugar over the pancake after it's baked,...
Maple combines with a subtle touch of cinnamon and nuts to give these muffins the flavor of a hearty pancake breakfast. But you don't have to sit down...
I made this tasty breakfast casserole with crescent rolls for a baby shower. It saved me; preparing it ahead gave me more time to finish decorating for...
In this apple muffin recipe, the streusel topping is nicely seasoned with cinnamon and sugar. Pieces of tender fruit appear in every bite of these pretty...
These apple streusel muffins remind us of coffee cake, and my husband and kids love them as a quick breakfast or snack on the run. The drizzle of glaze...
"I started cooking years ago when a back injury kept me home for several months," explains Ernest Foster of Climax, New York. "This quiche is a family...
My husband has fond memories of this pancake syrup recipe. Every Sunday morning, his dad would get up early to make the family pancakes and homemade syrup....
With the addition of vanilla yogurt, this basic muffin turns out moist and tender. It's easy and quick to prepare. My husband loves these muffins for breakfast...
Whip up this creamy concoction as a refreshing and nutritious snack or a quick chilled breakfast. Because you can use frozen fruit, you don't have to wait...
The Epicurious test kitchen baked up the most popular versions of banana bread on our site to discover what we like (or didn't like) about each one. Then...
I like omelets but don't always have time to stand by the stove. That's why I favor this oven-baked variety that I can quickly pop into the oven at a moment's...