Quickly shallow-frying the chicken halves in shallot oil after they've been roasted locks in their juices and results in beautiful golden brown and crispy...
The only thing better than a roast chicken and a Caesar salad is a Caesar salad served with a chicken smothered in Caesar dressing and roasted until the...
Getting the consistency of the creamy mushroom sauce right is key for this pasta recipe. You want to reduce it just until it clings to the pasta to create...
An easy Pan-Seared Filet Mignon recipe. Add french fries, glazed carrots, and a salad of romaine wedges with blue cheese dressing. End with cheesecake...
You can totally eat this simple quiche on its own (the crème fraîche and chives keep it from being boring). But things really start to get interesting...
Crispy fried shallots are an essential condiment in Vietnam. They turn up in soups and on salads, sprinkled onto dumplings as a garnish, and minced and...
This is my version of the Ukrainian salad known as shuki. If tarragon is hard to find, use any herb you really love. Similarly, sherry vinegar can be swapped...
If you're short on time for this Thai Red Curry Paste, you can substitute bottled red curry paste (we recommend Mae Ploy brand) for homemade, but the flavor...