A fresh tasting Asian-inspired kabob. Preparation time: 20 minutes. This recipe is from The WEBB Cooks, articles and recipes by Robyn Webb, courtesy of...
Tons of flavor with very little work! I spent the day looking for bay scallop recipes online and inspired I came up with this keeper! Serve over rice or...
This dish was conceptualized for the Victory Dinner Celebration at the 2014 Buzzard's Bay Cup Challenge. It played off local and imported ingredients for...
This is a scallop recipe I concocted in my mind one night, and literally made up as I was going along. It is simple, wonderful, and very forgiving. I have...
This very delicious scallops with arugula, lentils, and butter beans recipe is a savory spring dish. You can substitute any large, cooked bean for the...
This scallop ragout recipe with chanterelle mushrooms is wonderful to serve to family and guests. They will think you worked all day, but this dish is...
Large, creamy white sea scallops are cooked at high heat with vermouth and capers. Delicious alone or over pasta! The degree of spiciness can be adjusted...
This is a nice dish to serve guests for dinner or even at a special lunch. It's extremely presentable and will wow everybody at the table. Be sure to use...
Giant bay scallops are a great sous-vide candidate as they come out tender and juicy and delicate. Pair with an airy espuma soy ginger sauce and you have...
This is a very simple, easy to prepare meal that you will most likely be asked to prepare again. The taste, if carefully prepared and not overcooked, is...
If you're looking for a seafood dish that will impress your guests, look no further. Here's a seafood pasta that will knock their socks off. It's a little...
Easy, elegant starter: One of the most popular appetizers I've ever served, this combo of low-calorie seafood and antioxidant-rich tomatoes, onions, avocado...
I am lactose intolerant, so finding dishes that are milk-less but creamy can be a challenge. My husband created this simple and quick pasta dish with shrimp,...
This really is one of the most luxurious and delicate soups imaginable. It is very easy to prepare and cook, but perfect for a special occasion. Crisp,...
The minimally bitter buckwheat noodles add a special zest to the favorite scallop-tomato combination, perfectly matched by the delicate yet strong French...
I had a little bit of mashed potato, half a roasted red pepper, and a pound of scallops left over from a ceviche recipe. This was fast and fun: no recipes,...
Packed with colorful veggies. Makes an excellent main course. Leave meat out of the equation and try this tasty dish that will satisfy your hunger like...