This fresh crunchy heirloom carrot and radish salad is the best salad you'll have this fall. Served with a delicious lime and honey dressing. Enjoy with...
This carrot salad looks absolutely gorgeous and has a sweet, subtle flavor. It's hard to believe anything this simple can be so delicious. Shaving the...
This has been a family favorite for years. The key to this recipe is not overcooking the carrots and allowing the entire salad to marinate for at least...
A sweet and savory carrot salad. Very simple and easy to make with pre-shredded organic carrots. Golden raisins plumped with Chardonnay wine add sweetness...
A sweet and savory carrot salad. Very simple and easy to make with pre-shredded organic carrots. Golden raisins plumped with Chardonnay wine add sweetness...
Russians call it 'Korean Carrot Salad,' but it is so absolutely ubiquitous in Russia that if they didn't originally own it, they certainly do now. Coriander...
This is great for Easter, but we love it anytime! My kids love making and eating 'Bunny Salad', and they have no idea they are voluntarily ingesting veggies....
This is great for Easter, but we love it anytime! My kids love making and eating 'Bunny Salad', and they have no idea they are voluntarily ingesting veggies....
Are you a fan of traditional carrot raisin salad? Well, say goodbye to the heavy, mayo-ridden carrot raisin salads of the past and hello to this one with...
I created this healthy recipe from scratch a few years ago, and it has always been a hit at parties. Now I am happy to share it and I hope you will enjoy...
This has been a family favorite for years. The key to this recipe is not overcooking the carrots and allowing the entire salad to marinate for at least...
This has been a family favorite for years. The key to this recipe is not overcooking the carrots and allowing the entire salad to marinate for at least...
This has been a family favorite for years. The key to this recipe is not overcooking the carrots and allowing the entire salad to marinate for at least...
I created this healthy recipe from scratch a few years ago, and it has always been a hit at parties. Now I am happy to share it and I hope you will enjoy...
Inspired by an incredibly popular salad sold in a local award winning market here in Woodstock, VT. Since they don't give out the recipe, I had to figure...
Inspired by an incredibly popular salad sold in a local award winning market here in Woodstock, VT. Since they don't give out the recipe, I had to figure...
Inspired by an incredibly popular salad sold in a local award winning market here in Woodstock, VT. Since they don't give out the recipe, I had to figure...
Are you a fan of traditional carrot raisin salad? Well, say goodbye to the heavy, mayo-ridden carrot raisin salads of the past and hello to this one with...
This is a nice change from the ordinary vegetable salads to accompany a turkey or ham dinner. The dressing on this salad makes a delicious marinade for...